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Tips For First Year School Nurses

As we approach the end of summer, schools prepare for their first day back to school. School nurses play a crucial role in student health and wellness by managing and supporting students’ physical and emotional needs. Their job encompasses everything from first aid and medication management to emotional support and health education. They work closely with students, administration, and school staff to help develop a safe and healthy learning environment. The first day back to school can be overwhelming, especially for a first-year school nurse. For school nurses in New York and New Jersey, the first day of school is right around the corner! There are several ways school nurses can prepare for students to return in the fall. In this blog we are going to list out important tips for first year school nurses.

Tips for First Year School Nurses

Below is a list of tips for first year school nurses:

  1. Stay Organized

Being organized is the key to success in any career. As a school nurse it’s important to have efficient management of medical records, medication, schedules, and health plans is vital. Creating an organized system will ensure that you can quickly access important information when needed. Regularly updating records and maintaining confidentiality are also crucial for effective care. If the school district allows, a great practice is to label everything in the health office. This is extremely helpful if anyone ever has to cover you while you’re out.

  1. Build Strong Relationships

As a school nurse you should establish trust and rapport with students, school staff, and parents. It is essential that you are approachable and empathetic as it helps create an environment where students feel safe and comfortable discussing their health concerns. The beginning of the school year is the perfect time to reach out to students’ caregivers and healthcare providers to work on a plan that addresses their unique needs. This trust doesn’t only aid in better communication but also in identifying and addressing potential issues early.

  1. Be Prepared for Emergencies

When it comes to emergencies, preparation is key. As a new school nurse, take the time to regularly review and practice emergency procedures, including first aid and CPR. Before the first day of school, it is your responsibility to ensure that the health office is stocked with the right supplies and are not out of date. School Nurses should also have a hand in playing a role in organizing the school’s response to a traumatic event, such as an active shooter. This plan should clearly articulate the medical response to treat any injured students as well as the psychological and emotional support for the students and staff in the aftermath of the traumatic event.

  1. Communicate Directly and Proactively

As a school nurse it is your duty to be proactive in your communication and to use clear and concise communication so that everyone can understand what is being said. Effective communication is crucial for school nurses as this ensures that all health-related information is conveyed clearly and promptly. By communicating proactively, it will help build loyalty and trust, minimize misunderstandings, and enhance coordination with other school staff. Communicating directly ultimately contributes to a more effective and efficient school health program.

  1. Be Respectful

School nurses should always be respectful in their interactions with students, parents, and other school staff. Being respectful fosters a supportive and trusting environment. When students feel respected and understood, they are more likely to open up about any health issues they may be experiencing. This in turn can lead to better care and timely intervention. By creating a respectful environment, school nurses help build a positive atmosphere that promotes over-all well being and encourages open dialogue.

  1. Stay Informed and Updated

In the field of school nursing, it is constantly evolving. Stay up to date and informed on safety and health information from both the state board of health and your school board recommendations. It’s important to be on top of the latest health guidelines, educational strategies, and medical practices. Consider participating in professional development opportunities and networking with other school health professionals.

  1. Practice Self-Care

Being a school nurse can be demanding at times and may lead you to burnout. It’s important to prioritize your own health and well-being to perform effectively. Take the time to recharge on your weekends and relax.

  1. Advocate for Health Policies

As a school nurse you are the voice for students’ health needs. Be an advocate for health policies and programs that benefit students. Work with school administrators to develop and implement health initiatives that address common health issues. Put the effort in to create and promote a healthier school environment.

  1. Identify Students with Ongoing Medical Needs

A huge tip for being well prepared before the first week of school is to review the medical charts of students that have ongoing medical needs. By identifying the students beforehand, you can create a list and be organized on who needs what and when they need it. You shouldn’t rely on memory.

  1. Understand Your Staff’s Abilities

In case of emergency, it would be helpful to know if any other members of the staff have any medical training or certifications. It is possible that there may be some staff members who are CPR certified, certified in first aid, or were once a certified medical professional. Knowing this information may come in handy should you ever need a hand in an emergency situation.


School nurses are integral to the functioning of a healthy school environment. By building strong relationships, staying organized, educating the community, and advocating for effective health policies, school nurses can significantly enhance the well-being of their students. School nurses single-handedly contribute to creating a safe and healthy learning environment. If you’re a school nurse in New Jersey or New York, we can help you land your next school nursing job! Take a look at our current open jobs or send us your resume today!

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