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The Most Enjoyable Job in the World: Occupational Therapist in Skilled Nursing Facilities

Guest Post by Shelbye Omondi, OTR

Many times when I tell people what I do for a living, I get two responses:

1) “What is an occupational therapist?”
2) “Eww…in a nursing home?”

Fact of the matter is, I would not change it for the world.  Many in the geriatric population actually have a wonderful sense of humor.  I often take to social media to post conversations that I have with patients on a daily basis and get rave reviews…and a few laughs.  That is actually how I came to write this blog article.


Here are some of the funniest conversations between me and my patients:

Me: ‘Would you like some coffee?’

Patient: ‘Yes.  I like it strong and black….just like me.’
Me: ‘You’re not bla….nevermind’

Me: ‘How are you feeling’
Patient: ‘I am all backwards.  My feet smell and my nose is running’

Me to 85 year old patient: ‘Let me help you to the bathroom before you all go on your outing’
*I then assisted patient to the toilet*
Patient: ‘Well, thank God I’m not menstruating!’

I assisted a patient into standing and after he sat down, he began to fan himself.
Me: ‘Are you hot from all of that work?’
Patient: ‘No.  I’m fanning the fart I just passed.’

While assisting a Patient with dressing.  I asked a patient if she preferred to wear a bra.  She replied, ‘If I don’t wear a bra, people will wonder what is in my shirt pockets.’

All in all, OT is a wonderful profession and it really allows you to connect with patients on a personal level.  Never pass up the opportunity to have a conversation with a patient.  You may end up with a laugh. 🙂

About The Author

My name is Shelbye Omondi and I have been an occupational therapist for about 6.5 years.  I was born and raised in Lubbock, TX.  I am blessed to love my job in the geriatric rehab field.


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