If you think there is a typical day as an ER nurse, you are wrong. Although ER nurses may follow the same work schedule, each day is a different story that brings about different scenarios. Emergency nurses specialize in rapid assessment and treatment when every second… read more →
According to YouTube user Rumurril, the girl in the wheelchair was suffering from unexplained paralysis, then she just as mysteriously regained her ability to walk. Our daughter, Bailey, had complete paralysis from the waist down for 11 days with no explanation as to why. This… read more →
Someone once told me to close my eyes and say something that was the truth. Then close my eyes and tell a lie. With the lie, you will feel it somewhere in your body. If you try it, and continue to try it you will… read more →
We have journeyed from a time of shortages in the nursing profession to an influx of nursing professionals facing a highly competitive market where the right opportunity is not always readily identifiable. Facility closures, financial burdens and constraints, healthcare reform, and a lack of opportunity… read more →
Attending the best graduate nursing school doesn’t always correlate into the best jobs, but it sure does help. The standard used to be that nurses could just go to a 2 year nursing school and achieve their associate’s degree in nursing. Today, most employers are… read more →
How can this traditional system change? I remember the days of “Nursing” when there were more jobs available than nurses. We now are living in the time that there are more nurses than there are jobs (at least in New York). I have become very… read more →
Nursing interviews are never easy, even if you’re a seasoned vet. There will be questions that catch you off guard, or that you might not know how to answer. It is your responsibility to prepare for your nursing interview as best you can. Do your… read more →
As the manager of online recruitment and marketing at Horizon Healthcare Staffing, I’m always trying to find information about nurses and the nursing community to share. I like to use different forms of social media, RSS feeds, alerts, and blogs to find my information. There… read more →
When the thought of a nurse comes to mind, most picture a caregiver. What isn’t pictured is the leadership and administration that happens within the nursing field. This infographic by University of Cincinnati masters of online nursing explains the different levels of nursing administration. It… read more →
The main reason nurses tend to employ the services of nurse agencies and healthcare staffing agencies is that they offer multiple opportunities all under one roof. It is like a shopping mall for nursing jobs. The great thing is that if you are not sure… read more →