The different types of jobs available in the healthcare industry have evolved over the past few years. Every individual has had or will have an interaction with a healthcare professional to address their health concerns. With the increasing amount of diseases and illnesses, we need… read more →
Cardiology is the study of the heart and related disorders, along with certain parts of the circulatory system. This field of medicine includes diagnosis and treatment of congenital heart defects, heart failure, valvular heart disease, and coronary artery disease. A cardiologist is responsible for ordering… read more →
A Physician Assistant is a medical professional who diagnoses illnesses, develops and manages treatment plans, and prescribes medication. The job description includes taking medical histories, performing procedures, assisting in surgery, taking part in clinical research, and counseling on preventive care. In terms of education, the… read more →
A certified registered nurse anesthetist is an advanced practice nurse specialist who is responsible for administrating anesthesia for surgery and other medical procedures. They are expected to complete physical assessments of each patient alongside ensuring proper anesthesia recovery. A CRNA may work in a variety… read more →
Cancer affects everyone whether it’s through a personal experience or a family member or loved one. There are more than 100 different types of cancer that affect people around the world on a daily basis. Each cancer is unique and may impact different populations at… read more →
Healthcare has been late to the party when it comes to technological advancements. The healthcare industry has used physically written prescriptions you can barely read and manually entering patient information on a chart for years. Fortunately for the healthcare industry and the well-being of patient’s… read more →
What is it like to work as a geriatric nurse? A lot of nurses enjoy working as a geriatric nurse above all other environments. It is important for new nurses to understand why this is and what the work environment is like, what the job… read more →
Running a medical facility is a stressful job that requires a lot of attention. One of the most stressful tasks to do while running a medical facility is hiring proper staff. There are signs you need healthcare recruitment help and if you know how to… read more →
What is a travel nurse RN? What does it mean to be a travel nurse? A travel nurse RN is a nurse who is hired at a location for a specific amount of time. Travel nurse RNs typically work for periods of thirteen to twenty-six… read more →
Home Health Aides (HHAs) are needed now more than in previous years. The demand stems from the growing population of baby boomers becoming senior citizens. Those senior citizens need care after they retire and having a stable workforce to provide that care is very important.… read more →