Nursing is an ever-growing profession in the medical field and is always in high demand. In order to become a Registered Nurse (RN), you need to take and pass the NCLEX. The NCLEX is a nationwide exam for the licensing of nurses in the United… read more →
In the medical field today, there are many different types of therapy. Therapy is the treatment of various health conditions, with the goal of restoring or improving abilities and reducing further deterioration or injury. Some of the different types of therapy are: Occupational Speech Physical… read more →
As stated by the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most common cancer in American women. In order to take precautions and detect breast cancer early, mammograms are the most effective. By doing so, it greatly improves a woman’s chances for successful treatment. Even… read more →
Dermatology is a field of medicine that is widely popular. It is a specialty that deals with skin, in both a medical and surgical way. A dermatologist is a doctor that manages cosmetic problems and diseases related to the skin. They provide medical diagnoses and… read more →
While researching various specialties within medicine, you will most definitely come across the field of Orthopedics. But what is orthopedics? Orthopedics is the branch of surgery that involves the treatment of anything with the musculoskeletal system. Originally, this specialty was focused on the effects of… read more →
Arthritis is known as a chronic disease and is an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one joint or multiple joints. Living with arthritis will definitely have an impact on your everyday life and you will need to make adjustments. Everyday tasks are now… read more →
Vaccinations are an important form of primary prevention. They aid the immune system and teach it how to recognize and eliminate any dangerous pathogens in the body. A popular discussion among parents today is what is the importance of vaccinations? Does my child really need… read more →
It is quite evident that a career in nursing comes with the ability to practice in a plethora of work environments. Looking at the title of this blog, you probably are wondering, what is a travel nurse? A travel nurse is a nurse who is… read more →
Among the many healthcare categories, pain management plays an important role. But what exactly is pain management? Pain management is a specialty in medicine that was created to focus on the need for treating any type of pain. Some specific pains may include spinal, musculoskeletal,… read more →
The field of nursing is quite diverse and interesting. By definition, nursing is “a profession within the health care sector focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life.” Nurses are able to practice in… read more →